Path Foundation

Anganwadi Centers

PATH Foundation has adopted 20 Anganwadi centers under CM Anganwadi Services Scheme till now. We are greatly involved and have put in lot of time and effort in developing the infrastructure, educational facilities and making a better environment for children.

Facilities and works done by PATH Foundation
  • Waterproofing of roof
  • Toilet and wash room repair
  • Electricity connection and Water supply
  • Oil painting inner and outer wall
  • Child friendly paintings, Chair , table , school uniform
  • Construction of shades with color pavers for imparting training for unemployed women
  • Boundary wall, Garden, Plantation of trees, places for kitchen garden
  • Drinking water facilities with purifier and canopy
  • Play ground for girls and boys to play football, cricket etc

We had also presented Jhanki in front of Honourable CM, Shri Shivraj Singh ji during his toy collection campaign held in Indore. We aim to adopt more than 100 centers by end of this year.

This is just a beginning, many more to come.